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Home > Tell Me A Story > rrkknight03 > What Waiting Brings
Before We Go Into the Brig
Abraham was insisting, "There's no way to get information from them, Commander.  We've tried.  They're just a bunch of wild animals."

"I still have to try, Captain.  I have no idea whether I was targeted specifically or whether the Naglfarians were just looking for a captive."

Previous image is [url=]here[/url].  Next image is [url=]there[/url].

Before We Go Into the Brig

Abraham was insisting, "There's no way to get information from them, Commander. We've tried. They're just a bunch of wild animals."

"I still have to try, Captain. I have no idea whether I was targeted specifically or whether the Naglfarians were just looking for a captive."

Previous image is here. Next image is there.

030a-Now_What.jpg 029a-Brig_with_a_View.jpg 028a-Outside_of_Brig.jpg 027a-Ship_to_Ship.jpg 025c-Medbay.jpg
File information
Album name:rrkknight3 / What Waiting Brings
Filesize:1178 KiB
Date added:Jul 16, 2019
Dimensions:1920 x 1080 pixels
Displayed:45 times
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