Last comments - McGrandpa |

Ma'am261 viewsreserv88805/20/23 at 10:47McGrandpa: Mmmm TASTY! The look truly is 40's! Love...

Princess Morrigan On A Walk44 viewsrrkknight304/17/23 at 03:20McGrandpa: A lonely peaceful walk, and then, a murder of Crow...

Spring time - AC winner 04/15/2377 viewsNemesis04/17/23 at 03:15McGrandpa: Love the flowers, and the lady's expression o...

Lake View87 viewsRosie D04/15/23 at 12:11McGrandpa: WOW, it looks like a oil on canvas by the renaisan...

His honor guard escort home~TOTW Winner 4/8/202350 viewsMtnMist04/08/23 at 21:46McGrandpa: Too Right. Thank you.

Sore Loser - SAOTW Winner 04/01/2351 viewsCathyY04/06/23 at 13:23McGrandpa: Ha ha! Got the piglet all emotional. Good job!

We'll Never Find Him - AC winner 02/18/2384 viewsrrkknight302/21/23 at 05:52McGrandpa: Oh I SO love Happy Endings. Great job! :woohoo:...

Cyborg~TOTW Winner 2/4/0360 viewsScouseaphrenia02/04/23 at 15:36McGrandpa: Very cool! Not exactly an Alita: Battleangel, bu...

Painted Lady ~ SAOTW Winner 1/7/2380 viewsPrae02/04/23 at 09:02McGrandpa: Deliciously Sumptuous, Rae! Love it!

Snow. I hate snow. - AC winner 01/28/2370 viewsparkdalegardener02/02/23 at 10:02McGrandpa: You DO? Why ya wearin so much of it on yer face t...

Echidna57 viewsAelin01/01/23 at 01:58McGrandpa: Nice! This is a Coral Snake, "Red touch bla...

Protector - SAOTW winner 12/31/2258 viewsDreamer01/01/23 at 01:38McGrandpa: Wow, this is one CLASSY shot, Dreamer! Well Done...

It's Late, You're Late.143 viewsWizzard12/24/22 at 05:02McGrandpa: Cool scene! where's Alice ?!?!?!

Teen Julie - Truck Driver19 viewsAgent001312/22/22 at 09:52McGrandpa: Ah! A Clint Eastwood style hat! Great job hat, g...

Beautiful Ginger73 viewsKathryn11/28/22 at 16:06McGrandpa: This one has a really nice smile too! :yes!:

Tiffany Fae97 viewsAgent001311/11/22 at 02:07McGrandpa: That is a nice one Cleve! :woohoo:
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