Sparring with 'Taz'
The girls sat down on a bench under the tree to watch the guys spar. "This should be interesting", Grace remarked, leaning back. "Bran said sparing with Djinn was like fighting with the Tasmanian Devil. Hawk's pretty good though. He can even beat my Dad sometimes."
Glory laughed softly and rather smugly. "That's an understatement. I sparred with him last week a couple of times. He was trying to show me how he does his Shadow thing. He can do it out Here, too. He projects something of himself out and uses it to move. I haven't quite figured out what that is yet. Djinn says I need to meditate more deeply. He calls it a 'tether'. He said Kai Feng was the one that turned him onto it, but that's all he did. It's a 'siddhi' * called Longom where the Masters move very fast through time and space. He'll never use the same combinations twice. Surprise!"
Just then, Hawk launched a straight kick and Djinn brought his leg up in a counter, to hook Hawk's foot. But he didn't just kick down and back on Hawk's lower leg. Somehow, Djinn launched himself into the air in a backward twist but moved foreward, locking down Hawk's leg in the crook of his own, bringing Hawk to his butt in the grass. "Whoa!" Hawk gasped, laughing. "Bran was right about you!"
Djinn reached down and helped Hawk up, grinning. "Good match, man! Get Bran over here and I'll try to teach you both how to do that."
* 'siddhi' is a mastered ability; 'siddha' means 'Master'. 'Mahasiddha' is a High or Perfect Master.