The Hour of Long Shadows
In the two years they'd been together, Luna had learned why he'd picked a Rose for 'his flower' in the Thinking Garden.
Like a rose, he could be sweet and beautiful, but he also had his thorns. This was one of those times.
It was the time he called 'The Hour of Long Shadows' - about an hour after the Sun was up, when indeed the shadows were long.
He'd been standing there waiting in the pre-dawn for the Sun to rise, staring into whatever world it was he was visualizing.
Ash rarely ever slept. He'd go days before he did. With whatever it was on his mind now, he wouldn't be much company until he
resolved it. Lost in his own world? She'd started thinking lately that it wasn't that so much that, as he was communicating with
one of his other Grigori 'brothers', telepathically. He'd do it with her sometimes - so why not?
What was it that had him in such a thorny mood? This was the most brooding he'd ever been around her. She guessed he'd tell her,
when he wanted to. Meantime, Luna called Glory and asked her if she wanted to come over to visit. They''d always known each other,
just not well. Now they were best friends - like sisters.
Thanks for looking. Zoom is best ;)