Desperate Measures
"Trust me, you don't want this 'being' in the middle of the Game." Ash hit the SEND button and let fly the incriminating video from the
camera in the Galactic Licensing Office from three days ago. "He makes you look like an amateur, with all due respect Lyl. William, Kai-Feng,
Ira and Eli all killed him - but apparently not. The first three were all explosives that connected. The fourth was a poisoned arrow from a
cross-bow - in the gut. He keeps coming back. I know you know
what that sounds like. It's time to get pro-active about this creature."
"How do I know this isn't some fabrication you created?" Lyl intoned in a haughty accusing manner. "Some last ditch effort to save this
pathetic lot and your own backside? We haven't even engaged yet."
Ash had grown accustomed to Lyl's usual pattern of blame and doubt on the first go. It didn't even phase him anymore. His uncle, without understanding, had laid the perfect groundwork for this Chaos Master to move in on Terra's last days. "All the more perfect timing to stike an Alliance until we're certain he's gone for good. Then it's over. That's the deal. Think about it and watch that video a few more times through your applications. You'll see it's for real. Think seriously and get off your Holier Than Thou schtick, or you're going to be a-hoist on it."
Ash disconnected immediately for emphasis. He laughed to himself. Lyl hadn't changed in ten thousand years. And THAT was going to be his ultimate downfall. He pinged Kass. "I got Sly and Blaise into the Galactic servers, courtesty of Lex. The footage shows our guy in the Licensing Office, quite unmistakably. Lyl's being his usual, so I'll give him a day or two and keep you posted."
Ash tried before to get Lyl and his crew to join them in ridding themselves of this pest. They'd been too proud or too afraid. He wasn't sure which. It was a desperate measure but you never knew unless you tried. And now, he owed Luna a few explanations and some time for her. The stage was set with Lyl. He had only to wait.