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Home > Tell Me A Story > Sidherose > Comes the Dawn
Summation One: Nikki
Raziel sat in the darkness, listening to the words of those he'd interviewed. 

Something Eli and Nikki had both said about Setanta intrigued him. It was along the lines of: "Don't be fooled, he's a brilliant surgeon, 
but also an experimenter. He uses people to test his theories and so what if he fails? He's got too much time to play in, to care." 
Nikki was a walking, breathing example and had known a few others. Eli knew of another one and had seen the work up close. 
Something else, Dr. Ramos - Raphael - had said in his report: Nikki's expanded drive, memory and Random Access Memory were 
all 'hard-wired' to her pyhsical brain. He'd had to get a release from her and William, when he upgraded her because of failing 
bionic parts, just in case he failed to comprehend how Setanta had done it. Nikki had figured she was going to fade into oblivion 
and become useless anyway if she didn't have it done, and signed it. Evidently, William agreed with it. Other than the degradation 
in parts, she'd never suffered and complications with all the surgeries this monster had done to her - like the hysterectomy she most 
certainly never asked for. At seventeen, he'd changed her and her entire life. 

What she thought about it was immaterial to him. So much for Free Will.

Setanta was one who thought it alright to experiment on humans and stir the Cauldron of Chaos, playing God. How very like Lyl that 
was, Raziel thought to himself. So much so that Lyl might totally resent his presence due to his own overblown god-complex. Lyl was 
often known to foster that trait in Humans and then punish Them for being so arrogant and presumptive. He'd done it to the Grigori 
too, more than once. It was his favorite sub-game in the game. They all knew that beyond a doubt. It was something to keep in mind 
when the arguments Pro and Con came up.

Summation One: Nikki

Raziel sat in the darkness, listening to the words of those he'd interviewed.

Something Eli and Nikki had both said about Setanta intrigued him. It was along the lines of: "Don't be fooled, he's a brilliant surgeon,
but also an experimenter. He uses people to test his theories and so what if he fails? He's got too much time to play in, to care."
Nikki was a walking, breathing example and had known a few others. Eli knew of another one and had seen the work up close.
Something else, Dr. Ramos - Raphael - had said in his report: Nikki's expanded drive, memory and Random Access Memory were
all 'hard-wired' to her pyhsical brain. He'd had to get a release from her and William, when he upgraded her because of failing
bionic parts, just in case he failed to comprehend how Setanta had done it. Nikki had figured she was going to fade into oblivion
and become useless anyway if she didn't have it done, and signed it. Evidently, William agreed with it. Other than the degradation
in parts, she'd never suffered and complications with all the surgeries this monster had done to her - like the hysterectomy she most
certainly never asked for. At seventeen, he'd changed her and her entire life.

What she thought about it was immaterial to him. So much for Free Will.

Setanta was one who thought it alright to experiment on humans and stir the Cauldron of Chaos, playing God. How very like Lyl that
was, Raziel thought to himself. So much so that Lyl might totally resent his presence due to his own overblown god-complex. Lyl was
often known to foster that trait in Humans and then punish Them for being so arrogant and presumptive. He'd done it to the Grigori
too, more than once. It was his favorite sub-game in the game. They all knew that beyond a doubt. It was something to keep in mind
when the arguments Pro and Con came up.

Tigerskin_Mountain.jpg Interview_Eli.jpg Interview_Nikki.jpg Raz01.jpg Lyl01.jpg
File information
Album name:sidherose / Comes the Dawn
Filesize:785 KiB
Date added:Jul 31, 2020
Dimensions:900 x 1200 pixels
Displayed:96 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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steeleyes   [Oct 12, 2020 at 05:09 PM]
Wow Beautiful all around Bravo!
thelufias   [Aug 06, 2020 at 02:25 PM]
Always a great storyline....and a beauty to view in between the reading LOLOL
Wizzard   [Aug 01, 2020 at 08:59 AM]
Lovely story Sidhe, the illo shows the damage she's taken subtly. Love it. 8 ) Cheers
M-Callahan   [Aug 01, 2020 at 08:41 AM]
Very cool portrait. Cool
mtdana   [Aug 01, 2020 at 12:01 AM]
Gorgeous portrait and it is very touching after reading about the monster!
oldeekdog   [Jul 31, 2020 at 09:19 PM]
Love her pondering look as I read your story. :woohoo:

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